So last week on my Instagram (@Piperbeauty) I mentioned that I was going to start my weekly wax thoughts/reviews on certain vendors or categories and to start me off I chose a few different UK vendors. Under each picture of their product (with price I purchased at and where to purchase from) I will tell you my thoughts. Let's get onto this week!
I must admit, I did purchase from this vendor on a whim noticing she had a sale and I hadn't heard anything about her wax. I took a chance with this perfume type melt as I haven't smelt the perfume before and on cold sniff that is all I could smell. After about 5 mins the melts had created a pool however I did have to be over the melter to smell a cologne scent (which I could also taste). I melt everything in a small room with a draught excluder on the door and I could not smell it. There was no throw unfortunatly. To get rid of the cologne scent around the melter, I used a yankee tealight in clean cotton which helped.
Fragrance: 1/5. Throw: 3/5
Melt My Heart wax- Cookie Dough (£0.30 each, @meltmyheartwax, Instagram)
No photo here I'm afraid (I forgot!), but as with the last review, I don't have much to say with this melt either. When taking cookie dough out of the bags (which were super cute!) I couldn't smell anything from cold sniff. Again all 3 melts melted in about 5 mins but I did have to be above the melter to smel anything faint. For a cookie dough scent, I expected to get a sweet bakery note and to my surprise I actually got white chocolate! Which I actually enjoyed when I could smell it. I left this melting for 5 hours and towards the end I did get a good throw for a small room. With this vendor I would say get fresh scents and use in a small office or bathroom.
Fragrance: 2/5. Throw: 3/5
I really was going to leave this melt out this week, but as it's a vendor I've never used before I thought why not. On cold sniff I got a very strong floral which was very off putting however when half melted that strong floral threw! Although I couldn't find any notes, I smelt Daisy, Rose and grass notes. A very aptly named melt that almost knocked me out of my room!
Fragrance: 2/5. Throw: 5/5
Many of you will not know this but Piña Colada is my favourite alcoholic drink (I don't drink much) and boy does this smell exactly like the drink on cold sniff! These soy based melts do melt quickly and throw really well. Predominantly I smelt the coconut with no hints of lime or rum. If you want a good mix, try using a vanilla tealight. A favourite mix of mine.
Fragrance: 5/5. Throw: 4/5
I will state now that I did receive this product for review however that does not make my review any different. Before I even openned the bag for this crumble I could smell the cold sniff, exactly like bubblegum but not too sickly sweet. The mixed colours before melting are just like a rainbow however once melted and gone cold the colours are even more prominent (see photo above). I used 3 tsps in my air wick melter which seemed perfect for a small room throw. However the initial throw is quite subtle once melted it is perfect! I didn't find this too cloying or sweet for my clean/fresh scent preference.
Fragrance: 4/5. Throw: 4/5
I just want to say, I'm a bit impartial to Mothers Goodies. I've loved their melts ever since I found them on ebay. The colour of this melt is no exception to this. For a name like monkey farts, this really looks like something a monkey would eat. There was no cold sniff on this particular melt, however when melted I could smell coconut which wasn't even in the scent notes! The banana is prominent which you would expect with this name! I also noticed when melted this melt contains glitter which looks gorgeous in your melter and isn't a pain to clear up afterwards. For a mini melt, it lasts a good 2.5 hours with a good throw and had a calming scent.
Fragrance: 3/5. Throw: 2/5
Glade + Regents House mix- Pomegranate and Guardian Angel (glade in wax swap, Regents house from
I know what your thinking, this isn't going to be a straight review of these melts. And no it's not simply because I didn't like the cold sniff of the Guardian angel, I decided it needed something sweeter. On cold sniff the guardian angel had a cologne yet fresh smell and the pomegranate has an Amber scent due to it being mixed in the bag. This mix melted had an excellent throw however very manly and headache enducing. I did notice that when I walked into my room I smelt a bakery note which really threw me off! I ended up taking this out within the hour and changing it up.
Fragrance: 1/5. Throw: 5/5
I hope you have enjoyed these reviews and will enjoy the future reviews. Please do remember these are only my personal opinion and everyone's opinion will be different.
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